Sunday 2 November 2014

A Precious Gift for Your Valentine in Upcoming Valentine Day

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”   - Helen Keller

It is still believed that “Love” is the most beautiful and precious thing in the world. It can be seen anywhere and everywhere we go. It exists not only in the civilized society but can also be found in every creation of almighty God.

Love is not to be hidden but to be expressed to the beloved. 14th Feb, the most dedicated day for all to express love emotions and understand each other and this revered day is known as “Valentine’s Day”. This special day is celebrated around the world especially in European and Asian countries. Though there is no declared holiday for this day, however, in America, it is being observed as holiday.

We all can measure the importance of the day but do we actually know the origin of the day? For all its popularity, history doesn’t get us any guarantee so as to the origin of the Valentine’s Day. However, the following story is more likely to prove the authenticity of the day. Claudius II, the Roman Emperor banned the marriage in Rome in 300 AD as he required a vast number of young soldiers which was according to Saint Valentine, injustice and he started encouraging young couples to get married secretly ignoring the laws of the Roman Emperor. After which he was arrested and sent for the imprisonment. During his imprisonment, he again performed a miracle that he had fallen in love with the Jailor’s daughter and supposedly cured her blindness. He then wrote a farewell letter to the jailor’s daughter and signing it “From your Valentine” the day before his execution. On February 14, he was beheaded.

After his death, St. Valentine’s followers started celebrating the day in remember of his precious sacrifice for them and started exchanging chocolates, candies, gifts, flowers and cards to his/her beloved.

Today, even after 1800 years, the day is still being remembered and celebrated every year. Over the centuries, gift-giving and exchanging handmade cards with ribbons, lace and featuring cupids and hearts and chocolates has become the most popular celebration around the world. It is not only about gifting someone but it is exchanging emotions to each other. A recent survey says that every year, near about $14 – $16 billion is being spent in America on the eve of Valentine’s Day and according to Greeting Card Association, 25% of all cards are being sold in this purpose only.

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In today’s world, people specially the youngsters are not limited in spending money up to cards and chocolates but in the era of internet, they look for much more options like, online gift hampers from online shopping portals, discount vouchers, toys and gift items. Online shopping is a booming sector in today’s commercial market and at the same time it offers many options like discount vouchers, gifts and cash back upon purchasing which has become very much popular. Another popular method of gifting someone in any special occasion like Valentine’s Day is to play and win rewards. There are many sites which offer free gifts, discount vouchers and even cash rewards specially on these types of occasions. You only have to register and play games/quiz to win. Foreseegame is one of them. It is the only site which offers free registration and attractive rewards upon winning. And the main attraction of the site is, it offers games and questions whose answers completely depend upon prediction. Isn’t it interesting?